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Well Details

Well ID: 37-063-35082
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Indiana
Municipality: East Mahoning Township
Operator Name: XTO ENERGY INC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: T A MOORE 4
Spud Date: 2007-05-24
Permit Date: 2006-10-18
Well Type: GAS
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Conservation: Yes
Latitude: 40.800836
Longitude: -79.001083

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
2006-10-18 New Permit Application
2007-05-24 Performed Spud Operation
2007-12-07 Drilling Completion
2007-12-19 Perforation
2008-05-13 NEWLY DRILLED
2015-01-13 Drilling Completion
2016-01-27 FULLY PLUGGED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2007 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2008 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC 10320.00 78 0.00 0 0.00 0
2009 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2010 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2011 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2012 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2013 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2014 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2015 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2008 PHILLIPS EXPLORATION INC Brine 1,765.00 Bbl Brine or Industrial Waste Treatment Plt PA0101508

For data sources see[6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1673546 Primary Facility 2007-11-21 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted RIG ON LOCATION - PIT LINED AND FREEBOARD MAINTAINED E/S CONTROL IN PLACE
1726076 Primary Facility 2008-07-23 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Well drilled-shut in. Location backfilled-not re-vegetated. E&S controls OK.
1815993 Primary Facility 2009-07-14 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted drilling complete - well shut-in/operator applying for inactive status/E&S ok/tag ok
2313553 Primary Facility 2014-10-15 Administrative/File Review In Compliance with Policy On-site pre-construction meeting as requested by Operator representative Dan Rice to review E&S plan prior to commencement of plugging operations. Present parties include the Department, Operator representatives, contactors, and landowner.
2335358 Primary Facility 2015-01-08 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Shooting off 5 1/2" casing at ~3300'
2335629 Primary Facility 2015-01-13 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted At time of inspection, rig being disassembled and removed from site.Rig on containment.Two tanks located within secondary containment units, appear sound.No spills and/or leaks observed.BMPs installed per the on-site E&S plan.Site is snow-covered, however no obvious signs of accelerated E&S noted. Access road plowed, appears stable at this time.Dept recommends Opr continue to monitor and maintain access road as necessary in order to prevent any potential pollution events from occurring upon snowmelt.
2420607 Primary Facility 2015-10-16 Complaint Inspection Violation(s) Noted At the time of this inspection, the well is plugged with the permit number affixed to an erected monument. According to Department records, this well was drilled between 5/24/2007-12/7/2007, inactive status was granted on 7/16/2009, and this well was plugged on 1/13/2015. The Department’s regulations provide that a well site must be restored within 9 months of completion of plugging of a well; therefore the restoration deadline for this site was 10/13/2015. During today’s inspection, the well site is not exhibiting 70% uniform and adequate vegetative growth; specifically, there is an area southwest of the plugged well along the access road that is approximately 26 yards x 19 yards in size that appears to have been recently seeded and mulched with minimal growth observed.Violations are being issued for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well and for failure to have an E&S plan on-site for all stages of an earth disturbance activity.
2434570 Primary Facility 2015-12-08 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd On-site FUI conducted in response to viols issued under record 2420607 (enf ID 331057).At the time of this inspection, the well is plugged with the permit number affixed to an erected monument. According to Dept records, this well was drilled between 5/24/2007-12/7/2007, inactive status was granted on 7/16/2009, and this well was plugged on 1/13/2015.The Dept’s regulations provide that a well site must be restored within 9 months of completion of plugging of a well; therefore the restoration deadline for this site was 10/13/2015.During today’s inspection, the E&S plan is on-site. Viols issued for failure to have an E&S plan on-site for all stages of an earth disturbance activity have been corrected.The Dept is reviewing documentation submitted by the Opr on 11/17/15.Viols remain outstanding at this time.
2439609 Primary Facility 2016-01-11 Bond Release Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Bond release inspection.

Per inspection ID 2420607, the Department is recommending the bond not be released for this well at this time due to outstanding violations.

2443371 Primary Facility 2016-01-14 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd On-site follow-up inspt conducted in response to viols issued under inspt record 2420607 (enf ID 331057).During today’s inspt, it appears that the location of a cut slope identified in the well site construction E&S plan and the unreclaimed high wall are located in the same area, but identified differently in the two E&S plans.Therefore, based on the Dept’s review of both E&S plans and on-site conditions, it appears the Opr failed to identify and/or observe the location of a high wall prior to construction, but a high wall is later identified as unreclaimed during plugging operations.In addition, the on-site plugging E&S plan restoration narrative indicates upon plugging of the well, “high wall reclamation will be completed.An erosion control blanket will be installed on the reclaimed face area”. During today’s inspt, the high wall does not appear to be reclaimed.Therefore, viols remain outstanding for failure to restore the well site w/in 9 months of plugging the well.
    • Add'l comments on paper SAIR**
2453010 Primary Facility 2016-02-24 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd On-site follow-up inspection conducted in response to violations issued under inspection record 2420607 (enf ID 331057) for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well.

At the time of this inspection, the well appears plugged with the permit number affixed to an erected monument. According to Department records, this well was drilled between 5/24/2007-12/7/2007, inactive status was granted on 7/16/2009, and this well was plugged on 1/13/2015. The Department’s regulations provide that a well site must be restored within 9 months of completion of plugging of a well; therefore the restoration deadline for this site was 10/13/2015. At the time of this inspection, the high wall does not appear to be reclaimed. The plugging E&S plan is on-site. Violations remain outstanding for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well.

2475752 Primary Facility 2016-04-15 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd On-site follow-up inspection conducted in response to violations issued under inspection record 2420607 (enf ID 331057) for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well.

At the time of this inspection, the well appears plugged with the permit number affixed to an erected monument. According to Department records, this well was drilled between 5/24/2007-12/7/2007, inactive status was granted on 7/16/2009, and this well was plugged on 1/13/2015. The Department’s regulations provide that a well site must be restored within 9 months of completion of plugging of a well; therefore the restoration deadline for this site was 10/13/2015. At the time of this inspection, the high wall does not appear to be reclaimed. The plugging E&S plan is on-site. Violations remain outstanding for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well.

2505478 Primary Facility 2016-07-25 Follow-up Inspection Violation(s) & Outstanding Violations Follow up inspection to inspection record #2420607 where violation issued for failure to restore well site within 9 months of plugging a well.

At time of inspection it appears well is plugged. Permit number placed on erected monument in a permanent manner. Temporary bridge for equipment installed on west side of site, south-west of erected monument. Excavator and dozer on site however it does not appear that any earth disturbance has taken place. Department unable to locate E&S plan on site. Temporary BMP's (compost sock) installed around site. LOD marked with stakes. Security fence installed around two areas that appear to be wetter areas of site. Department requests Operator include clarification of why the security fence was installed around these areas in the written response to the NOV. Violation being issued for Operator failure to have E&S plan available at the project site during all stages of earth disturbance activities. Previously issued violation for failure to restore a well site still exists. I

2509945 Primary Facility 2016-08-04 Administrative/File Review Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Admin inspection to inspection record #2420607 where violation issued for failure to have a copy of E&S plan available during all stages of earth disturbance activity.

Department received Operator 15 day response to NOV on 8-4-46. Operator states that mailbox containing E&S plan had been stolen but has since been replaced and the E&S plan is on site. Operator also states that construction is in progress to restore the high wall area (inspection record #2420607; violation issued for failure to restore) and should be completed in 3-5 days (from 8-2-16). Previously issued violations for this site still exist. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date.

2512334 Primary Facility 2016-08-10 Compliance Evaluation Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Compliance Evaluation Inspection to inspection record #2505478 where violation issued for failure to have E&S plan available at the site during all stages of earth disturbance activities, and inspection record #2420607 where violation issued for failure to restore well site within 9 months of plugging a well.

At time of inspection E&S plan on site. It appears temporary BMP's and security fence are installed in accordance with E&S plan. Highwall has been sloped and it appears that it has been hydroseeded. No E&S issues observed at this time. According to TOY Rep on site, areas within the LOB disturbed by the highwall restoration work will be seeded and mulched. Violation issued for Operator's failure to have E&S plan available at the site during all stages of earth disturbance activities has been corrected. Previously issued violation for failure to restore a well site within 9 months remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted to ensure permanent site restoration is achieved/maintained. In

2530415 Primary Facility 2016-10-13 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Follow up Inspection to inspection record #2420607 where violation issued for failure to restore well site within 9 months of plugging a well. Inspection due to on-site meeting requested by Operator Rep Dan Rice.

At time of inspection E&S plan on site. Highwall area that was previously hydroseeded is partially vegetated; some areas of bare rock remain. No E&S issues observed on highwall area or at toe of highwall slope. No water observed leaving toe drain pipe. Department recommends Operator ensure no E&S issues develop at outlet of toe drain. Mr. Rice stated toe drain pipe will be shortened and a rock apron will be installed at the outlet. A follow up inspection will be conducted to ensure site reaches permanent stabilization.

2543807 Primary Facility 2016-12-01 Compliance Evaluation No Violations Noted On-site follow-up inspection conducted in response to violations issued under inspection record 2420607 (enf ID 331057) for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well.

At the time of this inspection, the well appears plugged with the permit number affixed to an erected monument.

The E&S plan is on-site. Temporary E&S BMPs are installed and appear to be maintained. A rock outlet has been implemented at the outlet of the toe drain as recommended in inspection ID 2530415.

The recently backfilled high wall is nearing 70% uniform and adequate vegetative growth at this time. When standing at the base of the former high wall, the Department noted a thin horizontal line on the upper left side which appears to have previously “slid” and/or “settled”. Upon closer inspection, this section appears to be stabilized at this time. The Department recommends the Operator continue to monitor and maintain the stabilization of the backfilled high wall to ensure final permanent stabilization of the

2547415 Primary Facility 2016-12-20 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On-site meeting held between Department and Operator to monitor and discuss ongoing site remediation.

Violations were previously issued under inspection record 2420607 (enf ID 331057) for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well and subsequently corrected under inspection record 2543807. At this time, the backfilled high wall appears temporarily stabilized with vegetation and rock and is nearing 70% uniform and adequate vegetative growth. The Department recommends the Operator continue to monitor and maintain the stabilization of the backfilled high wall to ensure final permanent stabilization of the site is attained to in order prevent any potential pollution events from occurring. Upon permanent stabilization, all temporary BMPs shall be properly removed for final restoration of the site. A follow-up inspection will be conducted in the future to ensure site is properly restored as per current regulations. Violations may be forthcoming pending future inspections monitoring sit

2571851 Primary Facility 2017-03-08 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On-site meeting as requested by Operator representative Matt Thomas to monitor and discuss site remediation.

Violations were previously issued under inspection record 2420607 (enf ID 331057) for failure to restore the well site within 9 months of plugging the well and subsequently corrected under inspection record 2543807. At this time, the backfilled high wall appears to be permanently stabilized with vegetation and rock and appears to be restored. However, the Department recommended to Mr. Thomas that the stabilization of the backfilled high wall continues to be monitored as one full growing season has not yet passed since the backfilling of this high wall. As the site appears to have reached final restoration, all temporary BMPs shall be properly removed. A follow-up inspection will be conducted in the future to monitor the stabilization of the backfilled high wall.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Date Resolved Violation Code Violation Type Violation Comments
2420607 738060 10/16/2015 2015-10-16 102.4(b)8 - Administrative
2420607 738061 10/16/2015 2015-10-16 OGA3216(D) - WELL SITE RESTORATIONS - ITEMS RELATED TO PRODUCTION OR STORAGE - Failure to remove production/storage facilities, supplies and equipment and restore the well site within 9 months of plugging a well. Environmental Health & Safety
2505478 764880 2016-07-25 2016-08-10 102.4(b)8 Administrative

Penalties Applied

Violation ID Penalty ID Penalty Code Penalty Status Penalty Date Enforcement Date Penalty Amount Amount Collected
738060 331057 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 2017-04-25
738061 331057 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 2017-04-25
764880 345690 NOV - Notice of Violation 2017-04-25

For data sources see[7]
