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Well Details

Well ID: 37-039-25744
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Crawford
Municipality: Spring Township
Operator Name: GREENE MARY E
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: JOHN W & MARY E GREENE 2
License Status:
Spud Date:
Permit Date: 2011-08-05
Well Type: GAS
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Conservation: Yes
Latitude: 41.812442
Longitude: -80.399033

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
2011-08-05 New Permit Application
2011-12-27 Performed Spud Operation
2012-01-09 Drilling Completion
2012-06-15 NEWLY DRILLED
2012-10-18 REWORKED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2011 GREENE MARY E 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2014 GREENE MARY E 50.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2012716 Primary Facility 2011-10-19 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted This was a pre-construction inspection completed at the request of the operator. The gas well site stake ( expected bore hole) is located in a flat open bean field. There are no streams or wetlands within aprrox 400 ft of the stake. The site meets all setback requirerments. The E&S Plan will need to state what BMPs will be installed to control runoff and sedimentation.
2029740 Primary Facility 2011-12-27 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Upon inspection today I found a new well access road and well pad under construction. The Site ID- Permit and E&S Plan where posted. The access road was very muddy with some stone base in place but more neeed. A skid steer was being used to keep the township road clear of dirt/mud.The well pad was being graded while on-site and the pits being dug. Potenial violations exsist from sediment laden run-off generated by the project and flowing down the access road into small streams located along the north side of the access road and at the intersection of the access road and the Township road. While on-site I called Field Supervisor, Jim Perkins and explained my concersn with the potenatial violations and the need to update the E&S Plan. Jim said he would take steps right away by installing BMPs to prevent the sediment from the leaving the site and note the changes on the E&S Plan. All setback requirerments have been met.
2029880 Primary Facility 2011-12-28 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Today's follow-up inspection was to determine if the items of concern mentioned in my 12/27/2011 inspection have been addressed and to evaluate current status of this new well site. While on-site I witnesed drilling equipment and supplies being pulled back to the well pad by a dozer- indicating the access road was unsuitable for truck traffic. The Site ID- Permit and E&S Plan where posted. The access road condition has improved, but remains a potential E& S problem under rain and thawing conditions. Hay bales have been installed in the drainage ditch at the intersection of the access road and the Township road. Additional BMPS need installed on the portion of the access road that slopes to the Township Road to control run-off.
2030248 Primary Facility 2011-12-29 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2031351 Primary Facility 2012-01-04 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2032587 Primary Facility 2012-01-09 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2033381 Primary Facility 2012-01-11 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Today's inspection was in follow-up to my 12/28 inspection to determine if the BMPs are adequate and being maintained to prevent accelerated erosion and off-site sedimentation. Upon inspection I found a small water bar at the lower end of the access road, functioning to break up the water velocity and divert the flow to a small sump. This water bar appeared as though it may need to be deepen and/or maintained in order to handle the upslope water flow. Also, the BMPs ( slit fence & hay bales) that are located at the point where the access road runs beside the head of a small ravine up in the farm field, need repaired right away. Immediately following my inspection I stopped at the Green farm and spoke in person to Mr. John Green Sr. about my concerns. He said his son was the contact, although he is the person to whom the permit was issued. I also gave Mr. Green my business card and ask him to have his son call me to discuss the problems. I called also Jim Perkins, Project Manager, from Chautauqua Energy and told him my concerns.
2034427 Primary Facility 2012-01-17 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd Today's follow-up inspection was to determine if the BMPS located at the head of the small ravine up in the farm field, that had been repaired/redesigned on 1/12/2012, where preventing sediment laden run-off from leaving the site/access road and entering the stream during this period of rain and snow melt. Upon inspection I found the BMPS had failed to contain the sediment laden water and sediment was flowing over the slit fence into the stream . While on-site I spoke to Project Field Manager, Jim Perkins, Chautauqua Energy who had already looked at thre BMPs and he said they where overtopping. I told him that once I inspected the BMPs, I would contact him and discuss what I had found, and that a permanent fix was needed, and the fix would likely require earth moving. At 3:10 pm I called Jim back and setup an on-site meeting with my supervisor Scott Lux and I for 10:00 a.m 1/18/12.
2034503 Primary Facility 2012-01-13 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Today's inspection was in follow-up to my 1/12/2012 inspection to determine if the BMPs located at the head of the ravine along the access road had been repaired/redesigned as required. Upon inspection I found 3 new rows of hay bales had been installed on the road side of the slit fence. The ground was snow covered and partially frozen: I saw no sign of sediment leaving the site or access road.
2037481 Primary Facility 2012-01-18 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Today Scott Lux and I met Jim Perkins, Field Supervisor overseeing the site for Chautauqa Energy, land owner John Green Sr and his son John Green Jr on-site to inspect the failing BMPs and agree on a plan to address the needed repaired/replacement of all BMPs on the access road. It was agreed that the operator will install water bars on the access road between the well pad and the low spot on the access road; the operator will trench the field from the area of the well pad, south east to the edge of the field, to capture run-of from the field and divert it to sumps on the south edge of the field; the operator will install water bars on access road where the steep slope runs down to the township road. These water bars will drain to sumps with slit fence. The operator will call Ben Zimmer as soon as the work. The opeator was notified that they would be receiving a Notice of Violation and possibly a fine. The final determination will be made after the site is completely reclaimed next summer.
2037531 Primary Facility 2012-01-12 Follow-up Inspection Violation(s) Noted Inspection completed in follow-up to my 1/11/2012 inspection.Upon inspection I found the BMPs tha have been installed in the low spot of the access road, at the head of the ravine, failing allowing sediment to enter the small stream. Complete deatails on 1/12 2012 inspection report. A Notice of Violation will be issued.
2038667 Primary Facility 2012-01-27 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Follow-up to my 1/18/2012 inspection to determine if the required BMPs have been installed to eliminate E&S problems at various locations on the access road. Upon inspection I found the following BMPS installed; (4) water bars installed on the access road, on the slope leading to the township road; the first (2) water bars, located nearest to the township road, are dumping water in both directions and need to be repaired to dump water into a sump in one direction only; the top water bar located in the bottom of the farm field, needs to be extended approx 50ft to south, to capture runoff from field; the long trench in the upper end of the farm field appears to be functioning as designed; the water bars on the access road between the well pad and the low spot on the access road, appear to be functioning as designed; I contacted Project Manager Jim Perkins and told him what I had found and what needed to be repaired; Jim called me latter the same day and told me the work was done.
2041873 Primary Facility 2012-02-03 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd On-site inspection with supervisor Scott Lux to determine if the repairs to the BMPs have been made as required, following my most recent inspection on 1/27/2012. Upon inspection I found all the repairs had been made and E&S problems eliminated.
2052623 Primary Facility 2012-03-21 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted
2058410 Primary Facility 2012-04-11 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted
2069103 Primary Facility 2012-05-18 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted
2100017 Primary Facility 2012-09-12 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Date Resolved Violation Code Violation Type Violation Comments
2034427 629341 01/17/2012 2012-01-17 102.11 - Failure to design, implement or maintain BMPs to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation. Administrative
2034427 629356 01/17/2012 2012-01-17 401CSL - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth. Environmental Health & Safety
2037531 630548 01/12/2012 2012-01-12 102.11 - Failure to design, implement or maintain BMPs to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation. Administrative
2037531 630549 01/12/2012 2012-01-12 401CSL - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth. Environmental Health & Safety
2058410 636585 04/11/2012 2012-04-11 212WELLRCD - Failure to submit well record within 30 days of completion of drilling Administrative

Penalties Applied

Violation ID Penalty ID Penalty Code Penalty Status Penalty Date Enforcement Date Penalty Amount Amount Collected
629341 304256 CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty Comply/Closed 2013-10-30 2013-10-30 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
629356 304256 CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty Comply/Closed 2013-10-30 2013-10-30 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
630548 279926 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 2013-10-30
630548 304256 CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty Comply/Closed 2013-10-30 2013-10-30 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
630549 279926 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 2013-10-30
630549 304256 CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty Comply/Closed 2013-10-30 2013-10-30 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
636585 282676 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 2012-05-11

For data sources see[6]
