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Well Details

UWI: 191010100705W200
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CWI: SK0125213
Location: 91/01-01-007-05W2/0
Country: Canada
Province: Saskatchewan
Municipality: Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64
Meridian: 02
Township: 007
Range: 05
Section: 01
Operator Name: TORC Oil & Gas Ltd.
License Status: ACTIVE
Latitude: 49.52449
Longitude: -102.56063

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
2015-06-24 License Obtained
2015-07-19 Spud Performed
2015-07-26 Finished Drilling

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Hours Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Hours Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Hours
2015 46.00 0 171.20 580 132.00 0
2016 145.50 0 1,183.20 8489 1,855.00 0
2017 80.30 0 1,017.70 8306 2,766.30 0
2018 122.70 0 872.40 8726 2,542.40 0
2019 102.80 0 597.20 8596 2,569.70 0
2020 6.80 0 48.70 744 189.70 0

For data sources see[5]

Treatment Data

Treatment Date Treatment Type
2016-06-19 ACIDIZE

For data sources see[6]
