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Well Details

Well ID: 34-133-24478
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Portage
Municipality: Atwater Township
Operator Name: US ENERGY OH LLC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: FRAME UNIT
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2018-09-07
Spud Date: 2018-10-08
Spud Drilling Contractor: US ENERGY DRILLING LLC
Final Drill Date: 2018-11-21
Well Total Depth: 6928.00 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 41.010000
Longitude: -81.110000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2018-09-07 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:9/7/2018, Expired Date:9/6/2020 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:198.82, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2018-11-21
Correction to Well 2019-02-08 UPDATE TAKE/TARGET PER AS-DRILLED PLAT
Record Last Modified 2019-04-17
Construction Permit Expires 2020-09-06

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1067194281 2019-3-5 0:00:0 CT No Violations 2.00
-1122555164 2019-3-7 0:00:0 CT No Violations 2.90
-1942052760 2018-10-26 0:00 DD No Violations 1.50
-1985368575 2018-11-1 0:00: DD No Violations 1.80
-216961825 2019-2-4 0:00:0 PL No Violations 0.50
-304350577 2019-7-31 0:00: PW No Violations 0.40
-396130538 2019-2-11 0:00: CT No Violations 0.50
-47939640 2018-11-8 0:00: DD No Violations 2.40
-583952818 2019-7-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.60
-672310500 2018-10-16 0:00 DD No Violations 1.50
-862456097 2019-2-19 0:00: CT No Violations 2.50
-941469076 2018-10-5 0:00: DD No Violations 0.90
0047939640 2018-11-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9. My inspection found the rig drilling a 6.375 hole in the horizontal leg of the well. They made a connection at a measured depth of 5583 and continued drilling operations. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. The lease road and pad are in stable condition. No violations.
0151710504 2018-11-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9. The rig is currently drilling a 6.175 hole at a total measured depth of 6811 and they have four (4) stands to drill to reach total depth. I inspected the 4.5 production casing on the racks and there are 164 joints of Wheatland Tube, 11.6lb/ft., WT80 casing, rated at 7100psi, on the pipe racks. An inspection of drill cutting indicated that they are drilling the White Clinton Sandstone. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
0216961825 2019-02-04 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Status check inspection of this drilled, horizontal, Clinton Sandstone well. Preliminary Restoration is due by June 2019 for this multi-well pad. My inspection today found that all drilling equipment has been removed from the location. The wellhead is surrounded by jersey barriers and the 20 X 13.375 and 13.375 X 9.625 annuli are open and not equipped with casing heads. The 9.625 X 7 and 7 X 4.5 annuli are equipped with nipples and two (2) inch ball valves on the casing head ports and are open. The 4.5 production casing is equipped with a 4 X 2 reducer with a closed ball valve, bull plug and needle valve. The drilling pits remain open and were used for the drilling of the Frame #2H immediately following the drilling of this well and was spudded on 12/3/18. I have extended the required time frame for closure of the pits until fracturing operations have been completed, as they will be utilized for freshwater storage at that time. The pits are currently in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. The location and lease road are stable and the gate at the location entrance is locked and secure. No violations.
0307408124 2018-09-28 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of the horizontal, Clinton Sandstone well pad. The pad is complete, the cellars are set, and the pits have been excavated. This area is a historic coal surface mining area and the entire location is fill below the top soil. The pits have large chunks of fill rock throughout the excavated area. I have spoken with U.S. Energy concerning the preparation of the pits prior to installing the liners. The side walls and base will be covered with straw/hay and road fabric will be installed on top of this layer. They have indicated that a geo-textile material will also be emplaced between the fabric and liner. There are no violations at this time.
0396130538 2019-02-11 Completion Testing No Violations Status check inspection of this recently drilled, two (2) well pad. My inspection found that 14-500 barrel frac tanks have been spotted on the west side of the location. Moore Well Service is currently filling the northern pit with water from the Sekel pad. Completion operations are scheduled to begin on 2/18/19. The wellheads are secure and surrounded by jersey barriers. No violations.
0464609115 2018-10-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9 drilling operations. They are currently drilling an 8.75 hole, on air, at a depth of 986 in the Ohio Shale. I inspected the 7 casing on the racks and it is new, 20lb/ft. and 23lb/ft., J-55, stenciled 5CT. There are 105 joints on the racks and a float shoe has been installed on the bottom joint. There are 17-7 bowstring centralizers stacked out next to the doghouse. The blow line is secured and chained to jersey barriers and cuttings are being misted with pit water to the blow pit. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. I found no violations at this time.
0672310500 2018-10-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of this horizontal, Clinton Sandstone drilling operation. U.S, Energy Rig #9 is currently drilling an 8.75 hole, on air, at a depth of 3256 in the Big Lime at a rate of 60-80 per hour. The drill pipe tally sheet indicated the top of the Big Lime at a depth of 2806 (KB +10). The pits are in good condition, have plenty of freeboard, and cuttings are being misted out of the blow line. The prognosis calls for drilling the 8.75 hole to a depth of 4261 (KB), in the top of the Lockport Dolomite, and running 7 intermediate casing. The rig hands are rigging up the suction line for the mud pump in the southern most pit and have placed several layers of road fabric beneath the line to prevent damage to the pit liner. There were no violations at this time.
0862456097 2019-02-19 Completion Testing No Violations I was on location to observe hydraulic fracturing operations at this horizontal Clinton Sandstone well. Producers Service Corp. (PSC) and Sure Fire Wireline (SFW) were the contractors on the job. Stage #3 was just completed and SFW ran in with the kill plug and perforating guns to prepare for Stage #4. The kill plug (composite) was set at a measured depth of 6580 (20 above Stage #3). The casing was then perforated with 50 shots from 6500-6560. SFW came out of the hole and the lubricator was removed. PSC rigged up their iron, pressure tested the lines, and opened the gate valve. They spotted 600 gallons of acid and broke the formation at 5640psi. The stage was treated with 1200 barrels of water and 22,000lbs of 20/40 sand at an average rate of 27 barrels/minute. The job went as designed. No violations.
0941469076 2018-10-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of rig up operations. The drilling rig has been spotted on the substructure and lined up over the cellar. The drill pipe is being unloaded to the racks and there are two (2) joints of 20 drive pipe and eight (8) joints and a pup of 13.375 casing on the pipe racks. They plan to start setting drive pipe on Monday (10/8/2018). No violations.
1067194281 2019-03-05 Completion Testing No Violations Status check inspection of flow back operations at this horizontal Clinton Sandstone well. My inspection found Moore Well Services on location with 2-3/8 tubing spotted at 4000. They are currently servicing the air compressor to continue to clean up the cased hole. All flow back fluids are being contained in a 500 barrel, steel tank. There were no violations at this time.
1122555164 2019-03-07 Completion Testing No Violations Status check inspection of completion operations. Moore Well Services is currently cleaning up the 4-1/2 production casing at a depth of 4800. The well is unloading frac water, gas, and oil into a 500 barrel steel tank. The Frame #2H (PN#24477) is secure and will be fraced on 3/18/19. The pits are in good condition and will be closed following completion operations. There were no violations at this time.
1290166147 2020-2-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.30
1403265342 2018-10-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy drilling rig #9 and operations at this horizontal, Clinton Sandstone well. The rig is currently shut down and waiting on the directional tools and driller which are currently one (1) week out. The lease road gate is locked and access to the pad is blocked and secured by heavy equipment. I inspected the well pad and all equipment is secure. The pits are fenced, in good condition, and have plenty of freeboard. I found no violations at this time.
1415406680 2019-9-30 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
151710504 2018-11-20 0:00 DD No Violations 1.30
1538742670 2018-10-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to observe the lining of the drilling pits at this horizontal, Clinton Sandstone drilling location. The drilling pits were excavated into the fill of a historical coal surface mining area on the west side of the pad. The fill beneath the topsoil consists of broken up blocks of sandstone and limestone and are present throughout the excavated area. The pit sidewalls are sloped at approximately 20 degrees and no water was encountered or present in the bottom of the excavation. Straw was placed across the base and sides of the pit excavations. A double layer of road fabric was emplaced over the straw and rock to help prevent any punctures to the pit liners. A layer of geo-textile was used to line the pits above the road fabric. The heavy duty liner was installed and secured around the top perimeter with dirt and rock to prevent slumping. Water for operations will be obtained from a private pond (old stripping pit) just west of location. U.S. Energy has moved in 90% of the drilling equipment, spotted the sub-structure, and are preparing to spot the Speed Star (Rig #9) over the cellar. There were no violations at this time.
1539089489 2018-10-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was notified by the U.S Energy tool pusher on t 10/8/18 that they were preparing to spud the well with 20 drive pipe. I was on location this morning and found that Rig #9 has set 57 (two (2) joints) of drive pipe to the top of the bedrock. They are currently rigging up and chaining down the flow line to the blow pit. They plan to spud the 17.5 surface hole later this morning. The pits are in good condition and continue to be filled. I found no violations at this time.
1539274766 2018-10-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to witness the cementing of the 9.625 intermediate (1) casing string. U.S. Energy drilled a 12.375 hole was drilled to a depth of 584 and set 569 of 26lb/ft. casing in the hole. Petroset Cementing cemented the casing with 47.3 barrels (225 sacks) of Class A cement slurry and four (4) barrels of cement circulated to surface at the end of the job. See casing ticket for more details on this job. No violations.
1542388364 2018-11-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9 drilling operations. They are currently tripping back to bottom with a new 6.175 bit a measured depth of 6083. The current hole is at a measured depth of 6212. The drilling pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. The lease road and pad are snow covered and in stable condition. There were no violations at this time.
1543249699 2018-11-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9. The location is currently secured, all equipment is locked, and the lease road gate is locked. The rig reached a total measured depth of 6928 with a 6.175 bit on 11/21/18. 162 joints of 4.5 production casing were cemented on 11/21/18 and two (2) joints of the 164 I tallied on 11/20/18 remain on the racks. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
1546614835 2018-11-19 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of U.S. Energy Rig #9. They are currently drilling a 6.175 hole at a depth of 6611 with a rate of penetration of 10ft./hour. They are drilling at an azimuth of 351 degrees with an inclination of 90.07 degrees. The pad and access road are stable and the drilling pits have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
1551102379 2019-2-25 0:00: CT No Violations 1.50
1558030736 2019-5-16 0:00: PL No Violations 0.90
1783361578 2019-12-27 0:00 PW No Violations 0.30
1942052760 2018-10-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of drilling operations. My inspection found the Rig # 9 currently shut down. The tool pusher (Cub) and the rig hands were working on the mud pump. They started the pump to test the replaced lines and everything looked good. The directional drillers are scheduled to be in on Monday (10/29/18) to run their tools and resume drilling operations. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
1985368575 2018-11-01 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection of drilling operations at this horizontal, Clinton Sandstone well. My inspection found the location and lease road in good condition. U.S. Energy Rig #9 is currently drilling the curve at a measured depth of 4934 and will land the curve in 200. The current rate of penetration is between 2-4 per hour. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
307408124 2018-9-28 0:00: DD No Violations 0.40
464609115 2018-10-15 0:00 DD No Violations 0.70
572127804 2020-5-21 0:00: PW No Violations 0.40

For data sources see[3]
